Restaurant Da Nisio in San Gimignano

  • Da Nisio Ristorante San Gimignano
  • Da Nisio Ristorante San Gimignano
  • Da Nisio Ristorante San Gimignano
  • Da Nisio Ristorante San Gimignano
  • Da Nisio Ristorante San Gimignano
" Very well, I'll come but it must be a serious dinner. I can't stand people who do not take food seriously. " - Oscar Wilde

Who is "Da Nisio"

Da Nisio is a restaurant in San Gimignano and what makes it different is its intimate atmosphere, and the dishes which combine the typical Tuscan cuisine with an original touch.

Some of our guests say that our restaurant is romantic, elegant and with a good choice of wines.

Personally, I'd like to think that this restaurant is a place you may want to come to in case you'd like to discover Tuscany from a cozy and original point of view.

- Renzo


Each season has its own menu

Our menu changes according to the season, do you want to know what's on our menu now? Read More


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